
Con­sul­ting WP is a glo­bal con­sul­ting power­house. We began our ope­ra­ti­ons a few deca­des ago and have grown due to excel­lent rela­ti­onships with our cli­ents. We star­ted out small, with just a few peo­p­le and a small office, but today we have offices in mul­ti­ple count­ries with hundreds of peo­p­le working insi­de them.

We achie­ved our suc­cess becau­se of how suc­cessful­ly we inte­gra­te with our cli­ents. One com­plaint many peo­p­le have about con­sul­tants is that they can be dis­rup­ti­ve. Our cli­ents face no such issues.

We see our­sel­ves as a for­ward loo­king group of pas­sio­na­te pro­per­ty pro­fes­sio­nals with the rele­vant expe­ri­ence to match.

Why choo­se us

Tra­vel and Avia­ti­on

Con­sul­tants ran­ked firms on a sca­le of one to 10, based on pres­ti­ge, firm cul­tu­re, work-life balan­ce, com­pen­sa­ti­on, and other fac­tors.

Busi­ness Ser­vices

We have had to start com­pe­ting on qua­li­ty of life in a way that they never had to befo­re — lea­ding to hig­her ratings from con­sul­tants.

Con­su­mer Pro­ducts

We are a com­pa­ny that offers design and build ser­vices for you from initi­al sket­ches to the final con­s­truc­tion.

Finan­cial Ser­vices

We are a dyna­mic niche con­sul­ting firm that has been hel­ping visio­na­ry finan­cial ser­vices brands con­vey their true essence.

More than 25 Years
of Expe­ri­ence

We work with ambi­tious lea­ders who want their future to be suc­cessful and help them achie­ve extra­or­di­na­ry out­co­mes.


pro­jects com­pli­ted


awards wining


workers employ­ed


satis­fied cus­to­mers

Our mis­si­on

Our renow­ned coa­ching pro­grams will allow you to:

  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain qua­li­ty, high-pay­ing cus­to­mers
  • Mana­ge your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp lea­der­ship skills to mana­ge your team
  • Cut expen­ses wit­hout sacri­fi­ci­ng qua­li­ty
  • Auto­ma­te your busi­ness, so you can lea­ve for days,
    weeks, or even months at a time
Video abspie­len

Our team

Our team of pro­fes­sio­nals includes HR con­sul­tants, exe­cu­ti­ve coa­ches, busi­ness pro­fes­sio­nals, and more.