Com­pa­ny over­view

Con­sul­ting WP is a glo­bal con­sul­ting power­house. We began our ope­ra­ti­ons a few deca­des ago and have grown due to excel­lent rela­ti­onships with our cli­ents. We star­ted out small, with just a few peo­p­le and a small office, but today we have offices in mul­ti­ple count­ries with hundreds of peo­p­le working insi­de them.

We achie­ved our suc­cess becau­se of how suc­cessful­ly we inte­gra­te with our cli­ents. One com­plaint many peo­p­le have about con­sul­tants is that they can be dis­rup­ti­ve. Employees fear out­side con­sul­tants coming in and des­troy­ing the work­flow. Our cli­ents face no such issues.

Con­sul­ting WP con­ti­nues to grow ever day thanks to the con­fi­dence our cli­ents have in us. We cover many indus­tries such as finan­cial, ener­gy, busi­ness ser­vices, con­su­mer pro­ducts.

Our mis­si­on

Our renow­ned coa­ching pro­grams will allow you to:

  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain qua­li­ty, high-pay­ing cus­to­mers
  • Mana­ge your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp lea­der­ship skills to mana­ge your team
  • Cut expen­ses wit­hout sacri­fi­ci­ng qua­li­ty
  • Auto­ma­te your busi­ness, so you can lea­ve for days, weeks, or even months at a time

How we work

Video abspie­len

how can we help you?

Cont­act us at the Con­sul­ting WP office nea­rest to you or sub­mit a busi­ness inquiry online.

Con­sul­ting the­me is an inva­luable part­ner. Our teams have col­la­bo­ra­ted to sup­port the gro­wing field of prac­ti­tio­ners using coll­ec­ti­ve impact. We thought a lot befo­re choo­sing the Finan­cial Word­Press The­me becau­se we wan­ted to sure our invest­ment would yield results.

Lisa Ken­ney
Chair­man, Blue­wa­ter Corp

Loo­king for a First-Class Busi­ness Plan Con­sul­tant?