
Con­sul­ting WP is the name of a coll­ec­tion of indi­vi­du­als who belie­ve in excel­lence. We spe­cia­li­ze in hiring peo­p­le who have the dri­ve to suc­ceed and the will to imple­ment the disci­pli­ne requi­red to suc­ceed. We focus on nur­tu­ring our team and pro­vi­ding our team an envi­ron­ment that is con­duc­ti­ve to crea­ti­ve thought. We focus on eli­mi­na­ting stress and pres­su­re so our team can think cle­ar­ly and crea­tively.

When you work at Con­sul­ting WP, you get to be part of a team that is known for its per­for­mance. We are effi­ci­en­cy dri­ven pro­fes­sio­nals who focus on the end­ga­me.

Con­sul­ting WP focu­ses not just on recrui­ting indi­vi­du­als that are per­for­mance ori­en­ted but also on deve­lo­ping them. To us it is important to ensu­re that our cli­ents are satis­fied and are being ser­ved with the care and respect they deser­ve.

Once we see the poten­ti­al in someone and recruit them we ensu­re that they get an envi­ron­ment in which they can actual­ly rea­li­ze their poten­ti­al. Stress and pres­su­re are the enemies of pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and crea­ti­vi­ty, we aim to decrease them as much as pos­si­ble.

Video abspie­len

Bene­fits and rewards

We care for our cli­ents’ busi­ness as our busi­ness. We think and act like busi­ness part­ners, not aca­de­mic advi­sors. We share our cli­ents’ aspi­ra­ti­ons, work to under­stand their rea­li­ty, and ali­gn our incen­ti­ves with their objec­ti­ves — so they know we’­re in this tog­e­ther.

Per­so­nal impact, men­to­ring, and team­work are just a few of the bene­fits of buil­ding a care­er at Con­sul­ting WP.

Open posi­ti­ons

Job-Titel Ort Abtei­lung Datum
Seni­or Indus­tri­al Plan­ner Oak Ridge, TN, US Civil Con­s­truc­tion 8. Novem­ber 2019
Depu­ty Prin­ci­pal Con­s­truc­tion Mana­ger Brook­lyn, NY, US Pro­ject Manage­ment 8. Janu­ar 2016
Seni­or Pro­gram­me Mana­ger Hous­ton, TX, US Pro­ject Manage­ment 8. Janu­ar 2016
Depu­ty Prin­ci­pal Con­s­truc­tion Mana­ger Toronto,Ontario, CA Pro­ject Manage­ment 8. Janu­ar 2016
Pro­gram­me Engi­nee­ring Mana­ger Rich­land, WA, US Pro­ject Manage­ment 7. Janu­ar 2016

how can we help you?

Cont­act us at the Con­sul­ting WP office nea­rest to you or sub­mit a busi­ness inquiry online.

Con­sul­ting the­me is an inva­luable part­ner. Our teams have col­la­bo­ra­ted to sup­port the gro­wing field of prac­ti­tio­ners using coll­ec­ti­ve impact. We thought a lot befo­re choo­sing the Finan­cial Word­Press The­me becau­se we wan­ted to sure our invest­ment would yield results.

Lisa Ken­ney
Chair­man, Blue­wa­ter Corp

Loo­king for a First-Class Busi­ness Plan Con­sul­tant?