Con­sul­ting the­me is an inva­luable part­ner. Our teams have col­la­bo­ra­ted to sup­port the gro­wing field of prac­ti­tio­ners using coll­ec­ti­ve impact. We thought a lot befo­re choo­sing the Finan­cial Word­Press The­me becau­se we wan­ted to sure our invest­ment would yield results.

Lisa Ken­ney
Chair­man, Blue­wa­ter Corp

We thought a lot befo­re choo­sing the Finan­cial Word­Press The­me becau­se we wan­ted to sure our invest­ment would yield results. Con­sul­ting the­me is an inva­luable part­ner. Our teams have col­la­bo­ra­ted to sup­port the gro­wing field of prac­ti­tio­ners using coll­ec­ti­ve impact.

Cin­tia Le Cor­re
Chair­man, Harm­o­ny Cor­po­ra­ti­on

We were ama­zed by how litt­le effort was requi­red on our part to have Con­sul­ting WP prepa­re the­se mate­ri­als. We exch­an­ged a few pho­ne calls. Con­sul­ting the­me is an inva­luable part­ner. Our teams have col­la­bo­ra­ted to sup­port the gro­wing field of prac­ti­tio­ners using coll­ec­ti­ve impact.

Aman­da Sey­fried
Foun­der & CEO, Arca­de Sys­tems

The demands for finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons have chan­ged a bit. Obfus­ca­ti­on is no lon­ger accept­ed, which is why this Busi­ness Word­Press The­me is so per­fect.

Debbie Kübel-Sor­­ger
Chair­man, Kreutz Air­lines

Con­sul­ting Word­Press The­me is the way to go for finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons. We take pri­de in being a trans­pa­rent and per­fec­tion ori­en­ted orga­niza­ti­on.

Chris­ti­an Mar­cil
Part­ner & Mana­ging Direc­tor, Gran­dier Co.

Pri­or to joi­ning Con­sul­ting WP, Bian­ca ran a pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware firm in the U.S. and work­ed in con­sul­ting and invest­ment ban­king.

Bian­ca Hamm­ound
Mana­ging Direc­tor, Ericks­son

Loo­king for a First-Class Busi­ness Plan Con­sul­tant?